Texas Tommies

Last Saturday night, we had a hot dog we’d only dreamed of. It was inspired by a hot dog we saw on A Hot Dog Program, the cool hot dog documentary. We made Texas Tommies! A Texas Tommy is a hot dog, stuffed with cheese, wrapped in bacon, and DEEP FRIED! How ridiculous is that? […]

New York City Hot Dog Cart

I recently hopped down to New York City for a day to speak at Affiliate Summit East. The conference was at the New York Hilton in the heart of Manhattan, land of hot dog carts on every corner! There was no way I was going to skip an opportunity to eat in the land that […]

Pre Hot Dog Month Visit to Snappy Dogs

After a visit to Pearl Franks the other day, I found myself very well stocked with a variety of their franks. We’ll be touring the factory in a couple of weeks, so we had a preliminary meeting at their world HQ in Randolph, MA. They sent me home with samples, some of which I’ll be […]

Mad Dogs Hot Dogs in Venice, FLA 2012

I made my first visit to Mad Dogs Hot Dogs in Venice, FLA last year with Mrs. HDM and Little Miss. Mitch and Maria have been “grooming the Mad Dog” and they are just about ready to open their second location. They are currently set up out on the Tamiami Trail in an old coffee […]

Onion Crunch- it’s “Crunyumchy”

Nick Loeb, best known as Sofia Vergara’s boyfriend, is an entrepreneur and politician. He recently sent me a big container of his new Onion Crunch- a kind of roasted onion condiment that’s great on hot dogs. I wanted to try it out, so I went down to Zipity Do Dog in Framingham to field test […]