Texas Tommies

Last Saturday night, we had a hot dog we’d only dreamed of. It was inspired by a hot dog we saw on A Hot Dog Program, the cool hot dog documentary. We made Texas Tommies! A Texas Tommy is a hot dog, stuffed with cheese, wrapped in bacon, and DEEP FRIED! How ridiculous is that? […]

National Hot Dog Month Celebration 2011: Fenway Franks on the Grill

Today is July 16, the ides of National Hot dog Month. For the 16th day of my quest to eat a hot dog a day, it was all about beach, beer and barbecue. Follow my National Hot Dog Month celebration here on Hot Dog Stories and on The Hot Dog Truck

National Hot Dog Month Celebration 2011: Hot Dogs at Home on the Grill

The other day I went to Kayem Foods to kick off my Hot Dog a Day for National Hot Dog Month; they sent me home with a Box ‘o Meat. Since July 3 was a Sunday, we decided to grill up a bunch of the Kayem franks so I could have my third hot dog […]

Merry Christmas Hot Dogs

With all the holiday hullabaloo, there just hasn’t been much chance to get to a quality hot dog joint. Little Miss likes her dogs, so she asked me to cook some up at home for supper one night. We use Kayem Old Time Franks in our house-just like at my old Hot Dog Truck. Here […]